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Writer's pictureJill Casey

What do we mean by PAIN REBELS

Updated: Jul 14, 2024

Its simple, really. We do not believe people with pain want to be in pain. We believe the pain is real and that the systems that we have to function, as people with pain, are patronizing and often blame the person in pain for their own suffering.

How many times does a person with pain have to hear:

  • Have you tried taking XYZ pill

  • Or have you tried ABC diet

  • You're just drug seeking

  • Yoga will fix everything

  • and on and on...

We wanted to ignite a rebellion against being mistreated and mis-labelled and empower people with pain to have access to real relief whenever and wherever they want it, without a prescription, adjustment, therapy, or appointment.

And then we realized the word REBELS it was actually the perfect acronym to share all of our decades worth of research and experience.

Since we had already established that the word PAIN perfectly aligns with the full experience and physiology of pain, including the:

Physical intensity: how loud the signal is

Agony: how much it bothers you

Impact: how much the pain limits you

Negative stigma: how many negative messages that have affected you

Then REBELS had to stand for the path out of overwhelming PAIN!

Relieving Empowering Biohacks Easing Limitations and Suffering!

Images for the parts of pain pointing towards the letters of REBELs

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